QTMUSD is the exchange rate for QTUM cryptocurrency denominated in US dollars.
QTUM is one of the payment and investment options alternatives to Bitcoin and Ether. This digital currency is among the top 20 in terms of market cap.
QTUM is a combination of the best Bitcoin protocol features, such as the most reliable public distributed registry, and the Ethereum technology, including smart contracts. QTUM developers also added the Proof of Stake (PoS) model and took the drawbacks of Ether into account; as such, QTUM enables not only smart contract signing, but also its termination upon the parties' consent.
At the first stage, investors financed QTUM with $1M. As of now, its market cap is already above $1B.
The QTUM price is determined by the exchanges and depends on the popularity of these digital coins as a payment and investment method.