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Lesson 6. How to earn with Libertex Portfolio

The Libertex Portfolio account is designed for stock trading. An easy way to do this is to trade on investment accounts with Libertex. In this case, you don't need to be investing millions of dollars, but can start with an amount of just $10. This is one of the best ways to manage your savings and it is time-tested. Thus, retirees have the opportunity to travel in their old age, and young parents can provide their children with a fine education in the future. Let's look at two different investment approaches using an example.

Lesson 6

Imagine the situation. It's September 10, 2019. Martin and Kate are getting ready to buy the new iPhone 11 Pro on the first day of sales. It is priced at $849. Martin, like most people, just buys the phone as a novelty and enjoys using it. However, Kate decides to do things differently. As well as buying her new iPhone, Kate also buys the same value of Apple shares.

Lesson 6

From September 2019 to October 2021, Apple's stock value rose 155.92%. And in the form her shares, Kate turned a profit of $1,323.76. As a result, she already earned more than she spent on the iPhone 11 Pro. In October 2021, the iPhone 13 appeared. Now Kate doesn't need to put money aside for a new phone, you can simply sell her Apple shares via Libertex.

Make profit and enjoy being like Kate.

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