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Have you heard of the Change One Life Foundation, an old friend of ours?

Sat, 02/20/2021 - 08:55

If not, it's time for you to learn about their work. Established with the support of the Libertex Group in 2012, the foundation has, to date, helped 19,507 children from orphanages find loving families and their forever homes. A total of 52,465 orphaned children have been set up with video profiles. This gives the children a chance to be seen by and meet potential adoptive parents.

The contribution made by Libertex Group's employees and clients is highly valued. In fact, they've helped create video profiles for 2,133 children from children's homes (105 of them in 2020), 565 of which found families (93 in 2020).

In 2020, the family placement scheme almost had to be abandoned due to the global pandemic. Children's homes were closed to the public, and the foundation had a particularly difficult time. However, no programme or project providing assistance has been closed, despite the difficult working conditions. The foundation's film crews learned to work in new ways: taking tests and putting on protective suits, making videos with the kids in protective gear on the street. All this was done to help prevent orphaned children from becoming invisible and slipping through the cracks.

During this time, more than 1 million users visited the website; read articles, news, instructions and blogs; shared their experience, left comments, watched and distributed video profiles, and supported the foundation's projects.

But none of this would have been possible without people like you.

Join us to help children together! Let's make 2021 the year we help even more children from orphanages and foster parents. Let's work together to keep the charitable efforts up and running, reduce the number of children housed in orphanages and place more children in loving families!

Thank you to everyone involved in helping change the lives of children and adults for the better!

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