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Nasdaq 100 leads US gains in the first hour of live trade

The US stock markets have been open now for around 40 minutes and in that time we have seen all three indexes push higher. The Dow Jones is pushing further above 44k and the S+P is edging towards the noted, current record at 6,099.97. The best performing index so far has been the Nasdaq 100 and that is now rising above 21,850. At this point the reader is reminded of record the index set in 2024, at 22,133. The index reopened today at 21,756 after setting a close last night at 21,566. So, as you can see it is already around 300 points to the better this afternoon. The gains stateside come as the European markets turn back on the earlier records seen in the FTSE 100 and DAX. The Nasdaq 100 is right now at 21,875

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