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Further to an update here earlier, alerting you all to a potential break below 1.2700 in the GBP/USD, that move has subsequently unfolded and it seems that a combination of stops and systems sellers did kick in underneath 1.2700. The move lower has just now extended close to 1.2650, as I write this update. That means the pound has now fallen below its 21 day moving average. That is in place right now at 1.2664. The low seen a moment ago was set at 1.2653. The GBP/USD is currently trading at 1.2658
Owing to technical issues there will be no further updates this afternoon. It is hoped that Quick News coverage will resume when the Amazon results...
Earlier today an update here noted the EUR/GBP was most definitely in play today and as you can see that is very much the case. So, as the GBP/USD has...
The Bank of England (BOE) has just announced the outcome of its monetary policy decision. The overwhelming general consensus was for a cut of 0.25%...
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