Well, it was fourth time lucky for the Dow Jones yesterday evening, as it finally managed to post a daily close above 35k. The index rose to as high as 35,227, but it could not hold all that gain into the close. The index ended the session at 35,151, with a gain of 203 points on the day and there was no doubt it was helped by further records in its leading component, Microsoft (MSFT). The earlier acceleration beyond the previous rebound high, at 35,051 was also noticeable to see. That was to be expected when an existing treble top there was taken out. The gains into the close last night have taken the index another step closer to its August 1 high, at 35,679. To be honest with you, that looks like the next target from here, as the markets draw ever close to the end of the year. That said, there is always room for a change in trend, but only if the news warrants it and right now there is nothing from that in terms of dynamic risk off, or a shift in Fed policy. So, the bulls have the ball and it looks like they want to try and keep it until the end of the year. The Dow futures are just now pricing a mostly unchanged reopening for later today