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Earlier this morning an update here noted the prospect of the DAX perhaps forging onwards and upwards and rising to 21k for the first time ever. The gravity-defying price action of this index is something that has been mentioned here many times of the past 12 months and right now we are seeing more of the same in opening trade today. The DAX just now lifted above the record it set on Friday, at 20,924. Granted, it has not extended the move by more than just a few points, but the opening appetite was clear to see. The fact that the noted 20,900 level does not seem to be a barrier right now is also something to note too. As to whether the index can reach 21k at some point today is not certain and we shall have to see, if this record momentum starts to wane, or not. The DAX is right now at 20,910
Owing to technical issues there will be no further updates this afternoon. It is hoped that Quick News coverage will resume when the Amazon results...
Earlier today an update here noted the EUR/GBP was most definitely in play today and as you can see that is very much the case. So, as the GBP/USD has...
The Bank of England (BOE) has just announced the outcome of its monetary policy decision. The overwhelming general consensus was for a cut of 0.25%...
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