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DAX lifts to new records towards 20,750 on the opening

There can be little doubt; that the much better than expected Chinese GDP data released earlier today has helped to float a lot of other boats right now. Of course there are many question marks over the accuracy of that GDP data, but in the very short term that is of no consequence for some other markets. So, Europe has just kicked off the final session of the week and that has seen the DAX charge above 20,700 for the first time ever and lift immediately towards 20,750. The FTSE 100 is eyeing new records above 8,474. The CAC has also gained more on the opening. However, the US futures are not exactly knocking it out of the park just yet and the reader is pointed to the fact; that today is the final session for the US markets before the President Elect takes over the reins at the White House. 

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