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AUD/USD still on the rebound after RBA considered another hike

Much earlier today the minutes released from the latest Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) policy meeting were released and the contents of those minutes has given the AUD/USD a further boost today, propelling it further above its 200 day moving average, which it cleared more convincingly last week. That is in place today at 0.6577. The AUD/USD closed last night at 0.6707, which was below the high seen yesterday at 0.6735. Today it has matched that high, right as I type this update and it remains to be seen, if there will now be some kind of price extension beyond it. The reason for the rebound is all being attributed to those meeting minutes suggesting the RBA did consider another hike in their current 4.35% OCR rate. The low seen earlier today was set at 0.6701. The AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.6733

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