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Commission for opening a trade in the Libertex platform

According to the current trading conditions specified in the Instrument Specifications, the commission for opening a transaction on Libertex accounts is floating and may vary depending on the market's current spread level.

When trading during increased market volatility (for example, when important economic news is released) or when liquidity is reduced (for example, when opening/closing a trading session or switching to the next trading day), the commission charged may be a higher amount. This is due to the fact that the market spread during these times can significantly expand.

In addition, please note that the commission for opening a trade in the Libertex platform is charged on the trade amount, taking into account leverage. For example, a $10 deal with leverage of 10 is a trade totalling $100 ($10 * 10). Accordingly, this is the value ($100) used to calculate the commission. If you pay a commission of $3, please know that the commission is calculated from the total amount of the transaction, $100 (the amount taking into account leverage). As you can see in this example, the commission is 3% of the trade amount.

Therefore, to avoid charging higher commissions, we recommend that you pay particular attention to trading during periods of unusual market volatility/liquidity and use high leverage values carefully.